
What is it and where is it formed?  Bauxite is not a mineral, but a rock with minerals in it.  Bauxite is a sedimentary rock that is an aluminum ore.  It is formed in weathered volcanic rocks.   It costs a lot of money to get the aluminum out of other ores, so Bauxite is important.


  1. Chemical: (on dry basis) Guaranteed
  2. Al2O3 (rejection below 53%) 50.00 % Basis
  3. SiO2 2.50 % Max.
  4. Fe2O3 15.00 % Max.
  5. CaO 4.00 % Max.
  6. T iO2 4.50% Max.
  7. MgO 1% Max
  8. LOI 30% Max
  9. Moisture (at the time of loading) 10.00 % Max.
  10. Physical (Size): (on natural basis)
  11. 0 to 100mm 80% Min
  12. Above 100mm 20% Max.